
Children, in order to thrive, must have their basic needs met.  Those needs include an absence of chronic food insecurity, access to regular healthcare and a steady stream of supplies in order to be properly equipped academically.

In addition to our traditional nine line request form designed to meet a variety of health and educational needs for classrooms, schools, children and their families nationally, we are fortunate to have strategic partnerships with other mutually caring organizations and institutions.

Strategic Partnerships will help these vulnerable children to succeed by focusing on assuring that those needs are addressed in a sustainable fashion.  The Corbin’s Legacy Change for Good Model is designed to improve health and academic outcomes by offering an effective and efficient collaboration of invested stakeholders who will advocate for the at-risk childhood population.  It will, in a methodic sequential order, decrease the inequity gap that exists in elementary school today among those children who are and are not at risk. This advocacy includes identifying available resources that might otherwise not be accessed, identifying placing and training a community advocate to negotiate needed and available resource acquirement as well as provision of goods, services and supplies not met by already existing and available programs.  This last piece is the most critical.  Too often children go without basic needs and experience chronic hunger, lack of required academic supplies and exist in unsafe environmental conditions as a result of resource unavailability or simply and more commonly communication dysfunction.  Some specific examples of needs that will be met are assurance that every child receives a hot lunch at school, school uniforms, school supplies, medical examinations, dental examinations, prescription drugs and eyeglasses. In addition weekend needs, most specifically food security, will be addressed.  Children who are consistently well fed, well equipped and well prepared for school are far more likely to excel, dream of a great future, succeed and most important, be happy.